Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween: Suburban Edition

Last year, we were pretty excited for our first suburban Halloween. Not because we have kids or were planning on trick or treating, but mostly because, for the first time ever, we would get to hand out candy.

Our apartment building in the city got a few kids from time to time, but since we lived all the way up on the 23rd floor, no one really ventured up to knock on our door.

But plans have a way of changing.

Not only did Hurricane Sandy push off our move to the first week in November instead of the last week in October, the storm also cancelled Halloween for all the kids in our new neighborhood. With downed trees and power lines all over the place, the mayor decided to err on the side of safety.

But this year, everything is different.

This year, Halloween is happening, and we are On. It.

As some of you may remember, for the past ten months there has been a life-sized R2-D2 in my living room. Well, our robotic friend will be playing a big role in our first suburban Halloween, as my handy husband transforms our front porch and entry way (and himself) into something straight out of the movie, light-sabers included, for the neighborhood kids.

You'll have to wait a day or so for pictures of the finished product, but to hold you over, here are some pictures of the master at work, getting R2 all wired up to walk and talk.

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